
Posts Tagged ‘military’

How to Write and Give a Speech by Joan Detz – Dedication

In Books, HowTo on December 13, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Joan Detz dedicated her bestseller “How to Write and Give a Speech:”

This book is dedicated to the people

who have attended my speechwriting seminars over the years.

They come from diverse work backgrounds –

from corporations and universities,

to the U.S. Congress and our nation’s armed forces.

But they leave with one important thing in common – a

respect for the value, and the power, of the spoken word.

They write speeches that make a difference.

I applaud them.

Theatrical note ~ She autographed both of her books with this rhyme: “All the best, Joan Detz.”

Losing Our Religion by S.E. Cupp – Dedication

In Books, Politics on June 21, 2010 at 7:56 pm

You can read her new book “Losing Our Religion” (thanks R.E.M.!) and discover what’s wrong with the right (again), or you can visit her website to hear her thoughts on the World Cup Horn.

S.E. Cupp Losing Our Religion dedication ~

This book is dedicated to all the men and women

serving in the military at home and overseas.

Thank you.